It’s hard to believe we’re here again. It seems like only yesterday we were knee deep in the 2016 election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. At the same time, I feel like I’ve aged 10 years. But now, here we are again. We are just one week from another important presidential election. And today, the stakes are even higher.
In 2016, Donald Trump gave me pause with his communication styles and as a woman, some of his past comments made me nervous. Leading up to the election, I had no idea what to expect from a potential Trump administration, but I absolutely knew what to expect from a Clinton administration. While I researched the third party candidates available to me as a voter, I still had more in common with Trump’s policies and the GOP platform than theirs. On Election Day, I headed to the polls and voted for Donald Trump. That night, I watched him shock the world and win the race against Hillary Clinton.
President Trump has defied my expectations on policy at almost every level. No, I do not agree with him on every issue — nor have I ever agreed with any politician on every issue. In hindsight, the 2016 election was so much more important than I ever thought and I do not regret my vote for Donald Trump in 2016. Imagine how different the last four years would have been with Hillary Clinton as President. President Trump has kept his promises and has accomplished historic milestones that have made Americans, including women, better off than they were 4 years ago. As an outsider, he hasn’t been afraid to rock the boat to get things done when other politicians wouldn’t. While there are a lot of reasons why Donald Trump has earned my vote for his re-election, these are the main tenets of why he has my support:
Record levels of employment for women and minorities.
Under the Trump administration, our economy has broken records and offered economic empowerment and opportunity to all Americans — especially women. Before the pandemic, women held more US jobs than men for the first time in a decade. The women’s unemployment level hit a historic low of just 3.2%. This means that 96.8% of women who wanted to work had the opportunity to work. In addition, 4.3 million jobs have been gained by women since President Trump’s election. Over 70% of all new jobs created last year were secured by women. Under President Trump’s policies, we can reach these levels again and unleash the potential of all Americans to live their own version of the American dream. His policies promote individual freedom and the right to choose your own path rather than submit to collectivism and big government.
Capitalism, tax cuts and de-regulation
While the left has lurched to socialism, Donald Trump has affirmed that America will never be a socialist country. He has embraced capitalist and free market principles that have lifted millions of Americans out of poverty and off government assistance. President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the largest overhaul of the tax code in three decades, into law. With the passage of this law, the average American household income has risen by about $6,000. In addition to the reduction in tax rates, the law added tax incentives like the child tax credit and paid family leave credit. Not to mention, the law removed the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act. Lastly, President Trump has reduced the size of our federal government and has cut burdensome regulations to both individuals and businesses and embraced a pro-growth agenda.
Peace through strength foreign policy.
Under the Obama administration, they claimed there was no chance for peace in the Middle East. Now, under the Trump administration, there have been unprecedented peace deals between Israel and Middle East countries, all brokered by the United States. In addition, the United States took out two murderous men responsible for the killing of countless American lives and causing instability in the Middle East — Iranian general Qasem Soleimani and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, showing the world that America will not mess around on his watch. Lastly, his administration has worked to de-escalate relations with North Korea through maximum pressure. This peace through strength foreign policy helps to keep American families safe.
Reshaped and solidified the courts for the next generation.
He has appointed Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanuagh, and Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS, as well as appointing more than 50 circuit or appeal court judges and appointing more than 80 district court judges that follow the Constitution and maintain an independent judiciary.
Historic criminal justice reform.
Donald Trump signed the First Step Act into law and it was the most significant bi-partisan criminal justice reform in modern history. The First Step Act reformed sentencing laws, like the 1994 Crime Bill that Joe Biden authored, that disproportionately harmed Black Americans. Now less than two years after the passage of the First Step Act, thousands of non-violent offenders have had their sentences reduced, been released from prison, and been given a second chance.
As the founder of a women’s organization, I know that these issues matter to American women because they not only affect women, but all Americans. As our organization has always touted, all issues are women’s issues. I have made it clear that I will not stand by while the left diminishes women to a subset of issues labelled “women’s issues” or assume they have our vote simply because of our gender. The left and the media will tell you that President Trump is anti-women, but the efforts of the Trump administration have created the best path of opportunity and their version of the American dream for women, and all Americans, across the country. Why? Because his policies stand for freedom. President Trump’s policies have empowered women and given them the opportunity to rise and live up to their God given potential and excel in the path in which they choose. We have experienced record lows of unemployment, more women are running for office and opening businesses, half of the National Security council is women for the first time in history, and half of Trump’s staff is made up of women. There is no better time to be a woman in America and they’re winning during the Trump presidency. And when women win, America wins.
He has accomplished all this while facing relentless attacks from the media and the left. In fact, the left and the media have done themselves absolutely no favors. Over the past four years, I have watched both the media and the left become complete caricatures of themselves. They have done nothing to prove they have earned the votes from the American people. To be honest, I believe the Democratic party has lost the ability to govern with America’s interests instead of their own interests. Instead, they have treated everything President Trump has done as an existential crisis. The Democratic Party has lunged to the left, embraced socialism, caved to mobs, threatened our institutions, burned cities, and exposed hypocrisy at every level. The way that the media and the left have acted the past four years has only emboldened my once tepid support for the President… and I know, I am not alone.
There are two choices this election and this is not just a race between two men. It is a race between two very different Americas. Donald Trump is not perfect, but he best represents the path of freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for all Americans.
While Democrats always blame America first, Donald Trump puts America First.
President Trump stands for a strong America at home and abroad.
President Trump doesn’t apologize for American values, he embraces them.
The president stands for freedom for all Americans and the ability for us to choose our path and what is best for us as individuals.
For that, I will absolutely vote for policy over personality every single time.
As I’ve told you before, as bright and independent women, I will never tell you how and what to think but I urge you to look at the facts.
Don’t fall for the liberal talking points, the aesthetically pleasing Instagram infographics, and curated and calculated social media virtue signaling.
There are two choices on November 3rd.
As women who love all that makes America great, the choice is clear.
The choice is Donald Trump.
Amanda O