More and more, we are seeing abortions become normalized in television shows or in films. We have seen them portrayed in shows such as “Scandal”, “13 Reasons Why”, “Jane the Virgin”, and more. There is even a new movie centered around a girl driving across state lines to abort her unborn child. 

What we are witnessing in this culture shift of acceptance of what abortion is supposed to be like. They don’t show what it really is or what really happens. The glamorization of abortions takes away from the harm it does to mother and child. It’s imperative for the pro-life community to change the culture and make the case for life. 

Here are a list of the five best pro-life documentaries that are a must watch.

“3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy”

A film about the case against Kermit Gosnell, a serial killer and a criminal abortion provider that murdered babies born alive after botched abortions. 


On IMDB as “One woman’s investigation into the abortion health risk controversy.” This documentary is a comprehensive look into which side of the abortion argument is wrong.

“The 40 Film”

This documentary premiered to coincide with the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the 40th year of the March for Life. It features some of the biggest pro-life activists like Lila Rose, Star Parker, Abby Johnson, and Dr. Alveda King to name a few. 


This is a look into the multi-million dollar abortion industry. 

“I Was Wrong”

A documentary about Norma McCorvey, also known as “Jane Roe” made famous by the 1973 Supreme Court Case “Roe v. Wade”, and how she healed after this major decision, even though she never did have an abortion. It also documents Joyce Zounis, who had seven abortions which nearly took her life, and how she came to terms with what happened. 

These documentaries will be fundamental in understand the business and reality of abortion.

Caroline C.
FFL Cabinet Member
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