Conservation and conservatism can go hand-in-hand. We all know that, but when you’re always busy and on the go, it can be easy to fall into a routine of using single-use plastic that we all know isn’t good for the environment. Is it single-handedly causing climate change? No, but anything we can do to help is important. Today, I’d like to look at six ways we can cut single use plastics out of our lives without immediately becoming tree-hugging hippies. If you want to take that step, great, but let’s all start somewhere. 

Cloth napkins instead of paper towels (and their plastic packaging)

Ditch those paper towels. Use cloth napkins when eating at home, and dish clothes for cleaning up small messes. I’ll admit, I still use paper towels (and the crazy amount of plastic wrap they come in) occasionally for icky spills, but I try to use my cloth napkins as much as possible.

Metal or reusable straws

I’ll preface this by saying governments banning plastic straws is kind of weird, but at the same time, I get it. It’s an easy way to cut back on plastic use, and we can do that too. If you’re conscious about your teeth or lipstick and want to use a straw to drink, then invest in metal or silicone reusable straws. Get ones you can easily throw in your purse or the dishwasher for easy cleaning.

Ditch plastic baggies

Plastic baggies can be SO useful for carrying snacks and sandwiches and sorting around the house, but they are a huge waste of plastic if you’re just using and dumping daily. Instead, invest in reusable lunch storage for your sandwiches or cookies, or even reusable “plastic” baggies that can be washed in the dishwasher.

RELATED: 8 Ways To Be More Environmentally Conscious

Bring your own silverware 

I bring a lunch to work everyday. It does a great job at helping me save money and stick to a food plan. I also bring my own silverware though, a cheap metal set I can easily wash by hand or take home and throw in the dishwasher. This keeps me from buying, and using, endless supplies of plastic utensils that just don’t do the trick. Keep a set at work, or even in your bag, for those surprise moments when they just might save the day.

Decorate your own reusable water bottle

One-time use plastic water bottles are so last decade, and so boring. Plus, you might lose it alongside everyone else. Invest in a reusable water bottle. You can decorate them with your own personality (I recommend FFL stickers!) and keep it with you. You’ll feel better when you drink more water, plus you’ll save all those water bottles from ending up in a dolphin’s stomach.

Bamboo toothbrushes

This took me awhile to get on board with, but slowly or surely I’ve done it. Ditch the plastic toothbrushes and invest in some bamboo toothbrushes. They do the job just as well, and you’re helping save the planet. I like them because it encourages me to change out my toothbrushes more often, which is good for my teeth too.

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Aryssa D
FFL Cabinet Member