One of the most popular “search topics” every day is ways to make traveling better or easier or more fufilling, but they’re often articles published about hardcore business types or fly in suites or first class or assume that everyone has the same leisure time. That’s not the case, and I know it. I wanted to talk to five girls that travel frequently for work, school, leisure, or some combination of them about their #1 tip for traveling to make it an easier, better experience overall. 

Here’s what they had to say. 

Kassy, 23

My number one travel tip is to pack light and get away from the tourist districts. The tourist districts are always very expensive and you never get to experience life in whatever country you’re in unless you get off the beaten path. Go see the countryside, spend a few days in the wilderness, meet locals and spend time in their homes. Packing light is important because a suitcase makes getting around more difficult. All you need is a backpack, an upbeat attitude, and the willingness to get to know new people.

Ally, 26

If you travel more than 4 or 5 times a year, invest in TSA pre-check. It’s a huge timesaver at the airport and costs around $85 for five years. You don’t have to remove your shoes or jackets at security and you can leave your liquids in your bag. Plus, the lines are usually shorter. If you’re like me and hate waiting in line, it’s worth the money. 

Kacie, 21

If you’re traveling internationally, seriously backup all your documents and important information. My passport got stolen while I was studying abroad, and it was a nightmare, but the people I talked to suggested ways to help prevent the nightmare scenario in the future–besides just guarding my possessions better. One of those was to send yourself electronic copies of things like your passport, ID, birth certificate, visas, etc. Send it to an email or have a copy on a jump drive you’re not likely to loose so you can have a headstart on the process of fixing any nightmares that might arise. 

Britt, 21

Only pack a carry on. If you’re going anywhere for less than two weeks, do your best to just bring a carry on. It saves you time, money, keeps you thoughtful about the packing process, and is less likely to get lost by baggage handlers. There are tons of videos out there on how to pack up like two weeks in one small carry on, so don’t be that worried about not bringing your favorite outfits. It’ll just make you think more about what you need to bring. Use that money you would have spent on checking a bag to splurge on an airport coffee or a book to read on the plane, and don’t worry about it not making it to your destination. 

Aryssa, 23

Bring a book. A real book, not a book on your Kindle, if you can. Not only are planes great places to get some reading in, having a book can be a great conversation starter, or stopper. Yes, someone might say ‘Wow, what’s that book about?’ and you could find a new best friend, but most people don’t want to interrupt someone lost in a good book. Plus, by bringing a good old analog book, you don’t have to worry about wearing down the battery on your phone, packing extra chargers for your Kindle, etc. It’s always there for you–on the plane, while you’re waiting, if you’re stuck in a hotel on a rainy day, et cetera. 

Aryssa D
FFL Cabinet Member