With a new semester starting soon, it is the perfect time to begin planning club activities for your Campus Conservative group! Whether you lead the chapter of a national organization like Young Americans for Freedom and Students for Life or have created your own unique group, these ideas will ensure your club has the perfect mix of policy and fun.

Sharing Conservative Ideas:

  1. Organize a debate between your group and a left-leaning organization. 

  2. Decorate posters to hang around your campus with conservative messages.

  3. Use sidewalk chalk to write conservative messages in highly-populated areas.

  4. Invite a speaker to address students.

  5. Film a video and share why you and your group members are conservative.

  6. Go to the March for Life.

Furthering Your Group’s Own Knowledge:

  1. Assign each member a policy issue to research and dedicate a meeting to sharing findings.

  2. Watch a military movie or historical documentary.

  3. Discuss a book every month.

  4. Learn how to find and land internships in the Conservative Movement.

  5. Host a mock debate during which members of your own group argue the liberal perspective.

  6. Travel to one (or all) presidential libraries.

  7. Attend a political conference.

Service Activities:

  1. Write letters to troops overseas.

  2. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or food bank.

  3. Host a donation drive for a crisis pregnancy center.

  4. Teach civics classes at a local elementary school.

  5. Feature a nonprofit on your group’s social media pages.

Around Election Day:

  1. Design invitations that you can send to family, friends, and classmates with the information they need to find their polling place.

  2. Profile a local political candidate on your organization’s social profiles every week.

  3. Invite local candidates for a town hall meeting.

  4. Help register classmates to vote.

  5. Poll students on your campus to learn who they’re supporting and why. Consider filming a video of these conversations (with permission) and publishing your findings.

  6. Volunteer to make phone calls or knock on doors for candidates near you.

  7. Distribute campaign lawn signs.

Regardless of the activities you choose, be sure to confirm that you’re abiding by campus rules and regulations, in addition to national bylaws if they affect your club. That said, best of luck for a wonderful semester!

Madison S