Whether you’ve had the same position for years, just started a new internship, or are actively searching for your next job, it’s always beneficial to learn more about career growth and professional development. So, we asked Conservative women working in fields from political campaigning to journalism for their best networking, resume, interview, and growth advice!

On Networking:

“Nearly all of my friends and colleagues who work in Conservative politics, both in Washington D.C. and around the country, obtained their current position through networking. While resume banks, job email lists and fairs, company websites, and cold calling may work in other fields, it’s not the case in government. Therefore, it’s important to keep meeting new people, which you can do by attending conferences, volunteering on campaigns, joining Facebook Groups like the FFL Network, and being vocal on social media.” -Taylor S.

“Don’t be scared to talk to people and put yourself out there. It can be intimidating in the field of politics to talk to people who are more experienced than you, but people in DC, especially in conservative circles, are actually very willing to help others because they’ve been in your place before. The most successful people I know are people who aren’t afraid to introduce themselves to anyone and start a conversation. It’s not easy at all, but it’s something anyone going into this field should try to do.” -Rose L.

Make as many connections in college / internships as you can and follow up with them with a thank you card! It goes a long way and you never know who can help you in the future! I met with tons of people on the Hill when I interned and I made sure those people remembered and it helped me get a lot of interviews.” -Victoria P.

“Don’t be nervous to get out there and network! Be genuine in your interactions but be bold and honest with your aspirations.” -Hannah W.

“Always meet people, not necessarily only to further your career, but because you never know how they might help in the future.” -Rebecca T.

On Resumes and Interviews:

“SPELLCHECK. In interviews, listen for what the question is actually trying to determine (flexibility, empathy, initiative, grit, etc.) and answer in a way that tells the interviewer that you possess that quality.” -Samantha T.

“Be yourself. If you go in to your interview nervous, you won’t do as well as you want to. If you breathe and go in confident, you can sell yourself to the company/campaign better.” -Brianna G.

“Take the time to research the company. Practice interviewing, so you feel more comfortable and confident in a real interview.” -Michelle D.

On Getting Your First Job:

“If you want to apply for an internship, just DO IT. If you don’t apply you’ll never know what would happen. Don’t doubt yourself before you even take the chance!” -Brianna G.

“Seek out and take every opportunity that is given to you. I knew I was interested in the politics/policy world my freshman year of high school and started attending conferences and trainings, joining groups, and meeting with people in the field soon after.” -Rose L

“Internships – even if they’re how you find out what you don’t want to do! Internships and even Part Time Jobs look so good on a resume, and you can make working as a hostess apply to a job in corporate America. It’s all about what you took out of that experience.” -Victoria P.

“Build your skill set and study on your own time. Acquiring knowledge makes you more confident in yourself, thus allowing you to better sell yourself to employers you hope to work for.” -Hannah W.

On Getting That Promotion:

“Be more confident in yourself! I tend to have imposter syndrome and feel like I’m not good enough for a position, but that thinking only harms you. Confidence goes such a long way, and I’ve definitely underestimated the importance of it.” -Rose L.

“Don’t let your gender define you as you climb the political ladder! I wish I didn’t try so hard to fit in with the boys and focused more on who I wanted to be.” -Rebecca T.

“The effort you put into your work should be the same whether or not your boss is there. It’s about your character, not their perception of you.” -Michelle D.

“Get noticed by your hard work, not by putting yourself in the spotlight.” -Hannah W.

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” -Samantha T.

“Politics is a revolving door of people, you may not like some of them, but they always come back into your orbit in one way or another.” -Rebecca T.

“I wish I knew that I would never feel like I’d arrived, and that’s okay! I’m always learning and growing.” -Samantha T.

We hope this advice is helpful to your career journey. Best of luck!

Note: Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity. 

Madison S