Society becomes more and more politically correct by the second. Despite the fact that a huge majority of society is concerned with being PC, many people still cling to the Constitution. Ask almost any American and they will tell you that they’re fiercely patriotic and that they love the Constitution and everything it stands for. Here at FFL, we are like those people. The Constitution is the foundation of our country and it guarantees the freedoms that we hold close. We are a member of the “Constitutionalist” crowd and want to see this document respected. Many believe that the Constitution is a living breathing document and there is extensive debate about what that really means. It is open to change in the sense that it can be amended through a detailed process. This is a document that was written to be upheld and amended only in extenuating circumstances, not tweaked and changed every day.

Our Constitution gives everyone the right to the freedom of speech, press, petition, religion, and assembly. The Bill of Rights and the first amendment guarantee each citizen of this country their explicit rights to say and worship what they want. It is because of this amendment that we can do so much as a people. This amendment gives people the right to say “screw the police,’ “I hate America” and other offensive things that hurt many to the core.Society has taken a turn for the worse on interpretation, and here’s why. Now, instead of accepting that they and everyone else have a right to say whatever they want, society is calling for political correctness restrictions on speech. Now, instead of embracing the idea that, while one may get offended, they can live without fear of prosecution, they want more.

I’m going to say it once and I’m going to say it loud for those in the back. The Constitution was not written to protect your feelings. This historical document that entails the most incredible system for governing known to man, is not here to make sure your feelings don’t get hurt. The Constitution was written to keep order among Americans and to ensure that everyone has basic rights. It was written to separate the powers and to provide a system of checks and balances. Do not be fooled into thinking that your right to “not be offended” falls anywhere in the duties of the Constitution – it doesn’t. In fact you don’t have a right to freedom from being offended. The Constitution gives you the ability to say what you want, to stand up for your beliefs, and to have your voice heard – all without fear of persecution. It also guarantees those rights to every other human being in this country. Just as everyone might not agree with what you say, you may not agree with them either. This is America. This is the land of compromise and opportunity. Learn and grow rather than allowing yourself to be stunted by differing opinions.

One of the great things about America is it’s diversity. We have so many opportunities to learn from other backgrounds and cultures. Rather than feeling triggered and having a meltdown every time we don’t understand what is being said, look it up. Everyone is not going to be nice to you, everyone is not going to say things that you agree with. This is America, it’s okay to disagree, it’s okay to hear things you don’t like. Criticism and growing a spine has made me that much better of a person. Rather than trying to change the document that keeps us free and keeps our government in line, how about we take a good look at ourselves. Instead of expecting cops to regulate speech that we disagree with, how about we learn to be the bigger person. The Constitution was written to ensure freedom for all people, whether you agree with them or not. It’s time we put on our grown up pants and accept the fact that we aren’t always going to agree with or understand other people, and that’s just fine.
