Back-to-school season is here. There are so many things to do to stay organized this semester, but making sure your backpack is stocked is at the top of the list. Make sure you’re ready to hit the books by having these items in your favorite backpack.

Black pens

Colored pens


#2 Pencils

Laptop and case

Notebooks or binders


Pencil Case


Note cards

Sticky notes

Water bottle


Water flavoring


Gum or mints


Mini First Aid kit

Portable phone charger

Blue light glassesSunglasses


Cute keychain


It’s important to be prepared for classes and life. Get ready to pack your backpack and go back to school prepared to succeed this semester. Don’t forget to buy your favorite FFL buttons to make it easier to spot.

Whitney E

Whitney is a senior majoring in communication at Mississippi State University. When she's not preparing for law school, you can find her online shopping or planning a trip to Disney World. She loves Ronald Reagan, traveling, and all things preppy.