Image Credits: TIME
Wednesday morning, House Democrats staged a sit in on the floor to bring attention to gun control legislation. Here is what we know so far:
Their efforts were meant to force a vote on gun control measures.
This sit-in was organized Representative John Lewis.
Earlier this week four bills approaching the subject failed in the Senate, including two bills introduced by Republicans.
The House is not currently gaveled into session and by occupying the floor, these members of Congress are in violation of House rules.
If no compromise is reached and members do not leave, Paul Ryan has the authority to clear the floor and/or sanction members.
Because the House is not in session, the protest is not being televised, however many participants have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #NoBillNoBreak and #GoodTrouble.
Danielle B
Danielle is a conservative political consultant who aides organizations in communicating their big ideas and empowering leaders. She works with a multitude of organizations, most notably including the American Conservation Coalition, OUTSET Network, and Future Female Leaders. Danielle can't explain why she doesn't need feminism, she's too busy succeeding without it. She likes coffee, capitalism, and proving people wrong.