Dear Dixie Chicks,
Your music is to die for. I cry every time I hear “Travelin’ Soldier.” “Wide Open Spaces” is basically my life’s anthem, but I need you to please sit down for one second.
Two of my closest friends and I heard you were coming to Raleigh for a show and bought tickets ASAP. For weeks, we talked about how excited we were to see you live. We listened to your music on repeat for hours, and spent probably too much time getting ready for the concert. We were eager to hear the songs we grew up singing in the car played live over a decade later. My roommate, Jessie, even cried when the first song started playing. It was a dream come true.
Then, you stopped playing, and started talking, and the train wreck began.
Now, we shan’t ignore the elephant in the room. Not everyone was thrilled with the ruling on HB2 or respected where Governor McCrory stood on the issue. We North Carolinians, and us honorary ones as well, had enough respect to not openly bash the state, its legislature, and executors because of their political beliefs. If we disagreed with the bill, the vast majority could openly and respectfully voice their opinions, without personally attacking the other side. We understood everyone sees the world differently, and opened the floor up to debate.
There was certainly a healthy discussion following the ruling. Everyone had an opinion, including you, and boy, did you make it known. However, your comments were less than respectful, even to the point of outright hateful, cruel, and unnecessary. There wasn’t a lull in music that wasn’t filled with some comment about how much you hated HB2 – and our governor. I was genuinely confused because I thought you came to entertain, not lobby for political change.
I’m a firm believer that everyone has the right to their beliefs and the right to make them known. Ladies, you have certainly made your beliefs known in the past. If I wanted to attend a political rally, I would have. I bought tickets to your concert to hear you play my favorite songs from the early 2000’s. I did not buy tickets to listen to you rant about what an “idiot” our Governor is, or chant “No Hate in Our State” (P.S. It’s not your state…?).
Your concert turned into a political showcase. Instead of being the comeback kid and showing everyone how you matured as artists over the years, I left with a bad taste in my mouth. You don’t know the proper time or place to address political issues. Next time you come to a state to play a concert, try having a little more respect. While some people might have agreed with your stance, the overwhelming reaction of the audience was uncomfortable at best.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about a healthy political discussion. Your passive aggressive comments, blatant slander of a highly respected man, and “gifts” of “No Hate In Our State” hats to the audience just made you seem like immature 7th graders. You know the ones who wanted to throw a temper tantrum, because your mom wouldn’t let you wear makeup to school.
You’ve clearly never heard the saying “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” Your words were intended to incite anger and discontent in an otherwise peaceful environment. I’ve never met someone who could change a heart by spewing hate. Your goal was not to change hearts, but to bash others for what they believe. That is something I simply cannot support. While I don’t agree with bringing politics into entertainment in the way you did, had you been classier in your approach and been more respectful of our lawmakers, I could have at least listened with an open heart. I would have seen your side. And I would have been willing to consider what you had to say. But, your words tasted too much like vinegar, and I, like many in the audience, went stone cold. My dear Dixie Chicks, none of you are citizens of the Tar Heel State, so quite frankly, while your opinion should be valued, it carries no weight with our lawmakers.
I sincerely hope next time you play a concert in our state of North Carolina, you remember who you are, where you stand, why you’re here. Try to have a little more class than the last time. But, I can assure you, I won’t be there singing along.
Corrie L
FFL Cabinet Member
Corrie is a Cabinet Member at FFL. She is passionate about coffee, Jesus, and lipstick, and never wears white after Labor Day. If she isn't busy talking about law school or FFL, you can find her studying constitutional law or reviewing a contract. Her plan A is Super Mom turned Supreme Court Justice, and she hopes to one day be just like Sandra Day O"Connor.