Everyone knows that the best way to attract attention to your conservative club is to bring in a big name speaker and draw massive crowds. The intolerant Left love to show up in droves to protest your right to free speech in an effort to silence speech they disagree with. A great speaker event can take your club from level one to level one hundred overnight. Consider what happened to clubs when they dared to bring speakers like Christina Hoff Sommers, Ben Shapiro, and Milo Yiannopoulos to their campuses. The only hate speech heard in those rooms was coming from the protesters themselves.

The Left on college campuses may never have a chance to hear from a loud and proud conservative unless you bring one in to challenge the liberal status quo running rampant on college campuses. You know your administration isn’t going to be the one fronting the honorariums and travel costs for speakers that might challenge their preconceived notions of how the world works. It is up to you to bring the conservative voice to campus. It won’t be easy, but if you are interested, check out our article on how to bring the conservative voice to campus.

Once you’ve decided that bringing a conservative speaker to campus is right for you, it is time to start thinking about what speaker you want to bring. Are you looking for a man or a woman? An elected official or an author? Both? Are you looking for someone to talk about foreign policy,  immigration, abortion, gun rights or a plethora of other topics? Most speakers have issues that they care about more deeply than others. For example, Bay Buchanan loves to talk about abortion. Ann Coulter loves to talk about immigration. Most speakers are well-versed enough to speak on a diverse range of topics. Your event won’t be their first rodeo, and they’ve had a lifetime of experience to learn a lot of different issues. Have you been having a lot of talk about abortion and sexual health? Bring someone to speak on how abortion harms the mother and the child. Is illegal immigration a hot topic at your school? Is free speech being threatened on your campus? Well, take your pick of speakers, because we’ve all experienced that at this point. Let the Left do what they do best: throw a fit. You’ll come out with a smile on your face and a lot of publicity for your group.  

The following 50 individuals are available through organizations life YAF and CBLPI and their speaker programs that allow college students and their organizations to bring the conservative voice where it is needed most: college campuses.

  1. Bay Buchanan

  2. Greg Gutfeld

  3. KT McFarland

  4. Steve Moore

  5. Ben Shapiro

  6. Milo Yiannopoulos

  7. Crystal Wright

  8. Ann Coulter

  9. Lt. Col. Allen West

  10. Amanda Collins

  11. SE Cupp

  12. Dinesh D’Souza

  13. Nonie Darwish

  14. Karl Rove

  15. Kellyanne Conway

  16. Ying Ma

  17. Michelle Malkin

  18. Steve Forbes

  19. Kate Obenshain

  20. Ted Nugent

  21. Star Parker

  22. Newt Gingrich

  23. Katie Pavlich

  24. Dana Loesch

  25. Herman Cain

  26. Kat Timpf

  27. Marc Thiessen

  28. Lila Rose

  29. Jonah Goldberg

  30. Andrea Tantaros

  31. Sonnie Johnson

  32. Marji Ross

  33. David Horowitz

  34. Christina Hoff Sommers

  35. Condi Rice

  36. Peter Schweizer

  37. Rachel Campos-Duffy

  38. David Limbaugh

  39. Rick Santorum

  40. Stacey Dash

  41. John Stossel

  42. Walter Williams

  43. Kristan Hawkins

  44. Oliver North

  45. Jedediah Bila

  46. Michelle Easton

  47. Monica Crowley

  48. Steven Crowder

  49. Liz Cheney

  50. Patrick Buchanan


Aryssa D
FFL Cabinet Member