For many young conservatives, it can be difficult to discover a community of like-minded individuals that support your values, making it difficult to become a leader in the conservative movement. If you are yearning for a place to call your own or wanting to make a difference on your campus, look no further than these 10 incredible organizations that will give you a leg-up into the conservative movement.
Many conservatives of all ages have heard of PragerUniversity, an organization founded by Dennis Prager, a nationally known radio talk show host, and conservative columnist, author, as well as public speaker, that is dedicated to creating five-minute videos highlighting “the values that have made America and the West the source of so much liberty and wealth.” In fact, over 1 billion individuals have seen a PragerU video.
PragerFORCE is the student ambassador program of PragerU. All members of PragerFORCE are high school and college students who are often involved in other conservative organizations. They collectively form a digital army of conservative activists who fight back against liberal-biased media by sharing PragerU videos on social media.
To apply to become a member of PragerFORCE, click here.
Young Americans for Liberty
For students who feel particularly drawn towards libertarianism, Young Americans for Liberty is the organization for you. YAL has trained over 3,500 activists who promote liberty, and has over 900 chapters across the nation.
Beyond activism events that promote free speech, individual liberty, and awareness of libertarian values, Young Americans for Liberty hosts regional and national conferences which promote networking, career opportunities, and opportunities to hear from speakers and leaders of the liberty movement.
To discover if there is a YAL chapter at your school, or to start one, click here.
College Republicans
Dubbed “the best party on campus,” College Republicans is a nationwide organization dedicated to the Grand Ole Party since 1892. There are more than 1,800 College Republicans chapters and over 250,000 College Republican members across the United States.
The College Republican National Committee has a nationally elected team that supports all chapters. They have regional state chairmen and leadership committees who work with the national staff in Washington, D.C. The goal of the CRNC is to “build and foster lifelong allegiance with the party and the conservative movement for college students.”
Every year, College Republicans from across the United States dedicate themselves to electing Republican candidates, supporting the agenda of the GOP, and developing future conservative leaders in our nation. College Republicans often canvas for campaigns, place lawn signs, and call voters, which makes the difference in Republican victories and secures the victory of the party.
To find a chapter at your school, or to start one, click here.
Turning Point USA
Turning Point USA is turning heads as one of the fastest growing conservative organizations. More affectionately known as TPUSA, they have a presence on over 1,000 high school and college campuses, have hosted over 5,000 activism events. They have held over 500,000 face-to-face conversations about conservatism since Charlie Kirk founded Turning Point in 2012. Turning Point USA is dedicated to three key topics – individual freedom, free markets, and limited government. Not tied to any particular political party, Turning Point USA attracts many “conservatarian” students who feel that they don’t fit the mold of an established political party affiliation. Since day one, “Turning Point USA has embarked on a mission to build the most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on college campuses across the country.”
In addition to events on campus and publishing conservative media through Turning Point News, TPUSA hosts a number of nationwide conferences each year, including the Young Women’s Leadership Summit, the Young Latino Leadership Summit, and the Student Action Summit in West Palm Beach, FL, which had over 3,000 attendees in December 2017.
To discover if there is a Turning Point USA chapter at your school, or to start one, click here.
Students for Opioid Solutions
Students for Opioid Solutions is a registered 501(c)3 organization making massive strides in bringing awareness and an end to the opioid epidemic in our nation. In 2015, 1,850 Americans between the ages of 15-24 died from Heroin or Methadone overdose. Of these deaths, hundreds of those are students at institutions of higher learning. Students for Opioid Solutions has a goal to reduce this number to zero. The national organization has a presence on campuses in 33 states across the nation, and addresses the issue of student opioid overdoses through two main avenues – first, “campus captains” promote the values of Students for Opioid Solutions and bring awareness to their campus community about the reality of student opioid overdoses, and second, through working with student government legislatures to pass legislation that leads a University to take proper steps towards protecting its students and administering Naloxone, an antidote for opioid overdoses, to students who find their life in danger.
To become a campus captain for Students for Opioid Solutions, click here.
EmPOWERed is a movement of women on college campuses across America who believe in empowering themselves by carrying a gun in self defense. The organization promotes the belief that a woman having the ability to properly utilize a firearm for self defense is not only a right–it’s female empowerment.
EmPOWERed is a growing movement that promotes concealed carry on campus, proper use of firearms, and teaching others about the importance of the Second Amendment. To learn more about the movement, click here.
National Rifle Association
Since its founding, the National Rifle Association has been the premier firearms education organization in the world, remaining steadfast in the fight to protect the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.
Today, the NRA has a number of programs dedicated to training and empowering young people in their right to bear arms. NRA University, or NRA U, is a comprehensive program for college students interested in learning more about the NRA, gun safety, legislative threats to gun rights, and more. Through NRA U, the NRA will travel to your campus and work with a standing conservative organization to promote the importance of self defense and Second Amendment rights with students in your community.
To learn more about how to host an NRA U program at your school, click here.
Young Americas Foundation
Young America’s Foundation, or YAF, is dedicated to inspiring and training the next generation of conservative leaders. They focus primarily on individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. YAF accomplishes its goals by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to young people across the country.
Through chapters on high school and college campuses in all corners of the nation, as well as by providing activism resources to other conservative organizations on campus, YAF accelerates the growth of the conservative movement on a daily basis in everyone’s backyard.
Many of the premier speakers and leaders of the conservative movement can be brought to campus through YAF, including Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter, Steven Crowder, and Dinesh D’Souza.
To host a speaker through YAF through an existing conservative organization on your campus, click here. To start a YAF chapter at your school, click here.
Students for Trump
Students for Trump is an organization led and run by students that, in 2016, was dedicated to get Donald Trump elected to the Office of the President of the United States. While not officially affiliated with the Donald J. Trump for President campaign, the movement made huge strides on campuses nationwide in mobilizing young voters to cast their vote for President Trump.
Now, Students for Trump continues to raise awareness of the student support of the 45th President of the United States. There are a number of state chapters of the organization to mobilize young conservatives in each of the 50 states. To see if your state has a Students for Trump chapter, click here.
To learn more about the organization and get involved, click here.
Future Female Leaders
Last, but certainly not least, is the leading social movement for conservative women- Future Female Leaders, or FFL. FFL was founded with a mission to provide a community of pride in being a conservative young woman and directly connect political issues of today to millennials through a comprehensive lifestyle website and social media geared towards conservative women.
FFL is widely known for their stylish merchandise, which creates conversation all over America about being a conservative woman. From the iconic red elephant skirt to punny and adorable sayings , FFL outfits every young conservative woman with confidence in her political affiliation.
FFL accomplishes its goals through programs including the Contributor program and the Cabinet Program. Both Contributors and Cabinet members write the many articles found on FFL’s website. They have the opportunity to represent the organization at the leading national conservative conferences while also gaining career building skills in the fields of marketing, writing, research, social networking, etc.
Most importantly, FFL provides a unique community for young conservative women to support one another in their journey of conservative ideals and leadership.
To join the FFL movement, click here.
While there are many unique organizations dedicated to young leadership in the conservative movement, these 10 are sure to get you a head-start in making a difference. By participating in these well-established organizations, you’ll find a community of leaders who encourage you to feel pride in your values. Your next step to leadership is simple, join!
Isabel B
Isabel is a Cabinet Member from the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado and is a proud CSU Ram. Next fall, Isabel will be attending Georgetown University to pursue her master's degree. She dreams of one day serving as the US President. She loves all things small government and second amendment, and is also a Turning Point USA Campus Coordinator and a proud member of PragerFORCE.