Image Credits: sarahnatsumi

Lets face it, weve all had that moment where we complain about never having any time to read that new book we caught sight of online or heard about from friends. Were too tired, we dont have enough time, or we have too many things going on. In todays world, the importance of reading has increased, but unfortunately it isnt as popular. Reading books, whether theyre purely for pleasure or educational books to help further your understanding of a certain topic, is a great way to immerse yourself in a more connected way. Here are a few helpful tips on how to squeeze in some extra time for that book thats been collecting dust on your bookshelf.


Audible is a fantastic product that makes the life of a commuter 10x more interesting and productive. On long drives to and from school, I love listening to a book because its an awesome way to increase your productivity while doing something that can be pretty mundane. Audible isnt just great for the car, either. Its awesome for any type of situation where you have some downtime like right in the morning when you wake up or just before bed to help wind down for the night.

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Swap out your T.V. for a good book

Im super guilty of resorting to the T.V. and putting on Netflix right before I go to sleep. Its sort of a security blanket at this point. An even greater way to wind down for bed is to crack open that book youve been meaning to get to. Read a few chapters and in no time youll be all ready for a good nights sleep. The best part is, youre accomplishing two things at once: readying yourself for bed and finally getting to that book youve been dying to read.

Bring a book with you everywhere

Making it a habit to pack a book in my purse or school bag has been a huge life saver. Sometimes Im in an unpredictable situation where I have some time to kill, but have no homework to do or responsibilities to handle. I cant count how many times Ive saved myself by slipping a book into my purse the night before that ended up helping me kill some time in a productive manner. Whether you have a longer lunch break than expected, an appointment thats running late, or a last-minute cancelled class, your emergency book will definitely come in handy.

RELATED: 15 Books Every Girl Should Read In Her 20s

These tips and tricks can help you out on your quest to incorporate reading into your busy schedule! Any change in habit requires a little patience, but getting crafty with your time and scheduling can help you in the long run in achieving your goals.

Alex L